The In-House Counsel Practice Group is seeking volunteer authors for Bulletins and Briefings. Contribute your knowledge and perspectives on new or emerging issues, practical legal issues arising from the interpretation and application of laws and regulations to the operations of health care providers, payers, regulators, manufacturers, and suppliers.
Bulletins are short articles (at least 1,000 words) on a current topic that includes analysis and application. Bulletins provide insight on an issue’s importance and any potential implications, adding value beyond what members already receive from other sources.
Briefings are longer articles (at 2,000 words) that provide substantial analysis of a noteworthy development, issue, or trend in health law. Briefings provide an in-depth understanding of an issue and more complete coverage of its importance and implications that typically found in a Bulletin.
This is a valuable opportunity to share your expertise with a wide audience of health law professionals and to make a meaningful impact in our field.