AHLA is collaborating with CVS Health in the second year of a Mentorship Program to help advance diversity in the next generation of attorneys. The goal of this one-year program is to provide support to diverse new attorneys to build professional relationships, promote leadership and professional development, identify career planning opportunities, and provide guidance on developing competence in specific fields of practice within health care law and other practice areas within a health care company.
New attorneys, especially those from underrepresented groups, face complex professional experiences. To help address the barriers these attorneys face in career development and to influence the next generation of diverse attorneys, AHLA, in collaboration with CVS Health, introduced the 2023 Bridges to Law Pilot. After a successful launch, AHLA and CVS Health are pleased to announce the Program’s continuation for a second year with the 2024 Bridges to Law Program.
This is a 12-month pilot for attorneys who are new to the practice of law or new to their practice area. There is a minimum of one hour per month time commitment, but this self-paced mentorship allows mentors and mentees to set their own schedules. Applicants must commit to the entire 12-month experience and provide honest and open feedback of their experiences. Applicants must read and agree to abide by the AHLA Mentoring Program Guidelines and Expectations and the AHLA Code of Conduct.
Kerry Hoggard
Phone: 202-833-1100
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